open gym program 1

At AFSCrossFit its not all about CrossFit. Sometimes we like to go a little globo gym. Our Open gym area has enough equipment to be able to work around any fitness goal. We are going to release a series of programs that can be used by our members and anyone with access to the same equipment and this blog to follow along with a quick video (not professional 🤪) to help you get through it. if you need any help then feel free to book a No Sweat Intro to discuss.

This program covers a chest workout, a back workout and a shoulder workout. I have chosen compound movements and rep ranges that suit a beginner. However, it is more then possible to change the rep schemes and sets to achieve different results so as a quick guide here is a table detailing the rep ranges and their desired training effect:

  • Strength 1-3 Reps @ 90-100% e.g Work upto a 1 rep max

  • Strength For All 4-6 reps @ 85-75% e.g 5 sets x 5 reps

  • Hypertrophy 6-12 reps @ 75-50% e.g 3 sets x 10reps

  • Muscle Endurance 12+reps @ 50% e.g 4 sets x 20 reps

IF you decide to modify the program it would be worth testing your max lifts. Make sure you have a spotter available so you can go wild!

Warm Up

3 Rounds

20 Banded Pull Aparts

10 Incline Press-ups

1) Bench Press 4 x 6 reps

- choose a weight you can complete 8 reps at for all 4 sets.

2) Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 12 reps

3) Cable Chest Press 3 x 15/side

Warm Up

3 Rounds

Row 300m

Rest 1 min

1) Pull Ups 4 x 6 reps

2) Lat Pulldown 3 x 12 reps

Wide grip targets the last Narrow grip targets the rhomboids and traps

3) Seated Row 4 x 6

4) Ring Rows 3 x 15 reps

Change hand position each set. - overhand - neutral grip

Warm Up

3 Rds

20 Banded Pull Aparts

20 Face Pulls

1) Bottoms Up KB Press 3 x 6-12 each arm

2) Yoga Push Ups 3 x 20

3) Superset (Complete each exercise back 2 back with no rest)

3 x 8-20 Front Raise

3 x 20 Bus Drivers


the open is coming!


AFSCrossfit Muscle up Guide