AFSCRossfit Pull up Guide

Getting that ever illusive first Pull Up seems miles away. Unless you are a tree climber, or professional mountain climber you probably don’t spend a lot of time lifting your own bodyweight from a dead hang. Even if you can pull a truck that doesn’t necessarily mean you can do a pull up either. And let’s not even get started on if you are heavy set like myself. Bodyweight definitely does matter when it comes to a pull up so in my brothers immortal words:

“Get less Fat, or get more strong” David Millings circa 2014

Weight really does count. So you have a couple of routes to success for this. This guide is going to map out a work out routine that can help you attack your Pull Ups from an exercise perspective but if you would like to loss a kilo or two then BOOK IN with our nutrition team can certainly help you with accountability and Nutrtion.

Let’s cut to the chase and deal with the muscles. You are going to be targeting the Lats mainly but also the rhomboids and traps. Basically all the muscles that work around the shoulder blade as well as your biceps (AKA the Swans). We are going to use a range of angles and grips to help us get a well rounded routine to encourage strength to increase and maybe get a little growth in the muscles. A big muscle will be a strong muscle (Sometimes) so don’t be afraid to get a little bigger in pursuit of that first pull up.

A little caveat before we dig in. If you follow these routines once a week you will get to a pull up a lot slower then if you hit them 3 times a week. However life is crazy for all of us so the idea of this plan is to give you the tools and you implement them as needed. I would recommend at least 1 day rest between the workouts. That could mean complete rest , or a change to cardio or a push day in the gym. Some call this active recovery.

Week 1 & 2 -Alternate the days as needed to get 6 sessions in before moving to the next phase.

Day 1

  • Ring Rows / TRX Rows

  • Low Bar Scapula Pull Ups

  • Dead Hang

  • Bicep Curls

Day 2

  • Dead Hang

  • Low Bar Pull Ups

  • Banded Pul l Ups

  • Bicep Curls

Week 3 & 4

Day 1

  • Dead Hang

  • Scapula Pull Ups

  • Low Bar Negatives

  • Banded Pull Ups

    Day 2

  • Dead Hang

  • Low Bar Isometrics in 3 positions

  • Bicep Curls

Week 5 & 6

Day 1

  • Weighted Scap Pull Ups

  • Jumping Pull Ups

  • Bicep Curls

Day 2

  • High Bar Isometrics in 3 positions

  • Ring Rows


Once we have got those basics we should be pretty close to a pull-up. This next part of the program moves into performing Pull Ups either with a band or starting to work your newly found strict pull ups.

We are going to perform the following program with a band. Make sure the band tension means that the reps are hard but manageable.

* Day 1: 4, 3, 3, 2, 1

* Day 2: 4, 3, 3, 2, 2

* Day 3: 4, 3, 3, 3, 2

* Day 4: 4, 4, 3, 3, 2

* Day 5: 4, 4, 4, 3, 2

* Take a day off

* Day 6: 5, 4, 3, 3, 2

If at any point you can do a strict pull up feel free to add them in at the beginning of each set then finish the set with a banded pull up.


AFSCrossfit Muscle up Guide


My WHY…..