It’s true what they say.  You can get a do-over on pretty much anything.  Make a mistake, learn from it, improve from it and 9 times out of 10 you will get a second chance. Time however gives no second chances and Time waits for no Man!  Fact!  So why do so many people ignore TIME when considering a gym membership?

💥The Time to Travel💥

💥The Time to Workout💥

💥The Time to Learn💥

💥The Time to Master💥

💥The Time to Grow💥

What would you pay to go back in time?  I would pay a shit load.  I would do it all again but having the lessons and knowledge I have now I would be way more efficient in reaching my goals.

As I get older I am always thinking about how I use my time better.  And so should everyone.  I hear people talking about spending 2 hours in the gym to do a basic 45minute program.  Standing around waiting for machines to free up.  I would say this is madness however I also understand that a lot of this is down to education.  Knowing alternatives you can do to achieve the same outcome.

Here are 3 ways to make your gym time more efficient and way more effective:

#1 - Short on time? Superset exercises and even do a couple of Giant Sets

(This is the Shoulda Shocka Finisher. You can giant set large reps or small reps. And use different rep ranges for each exercise.)

#2 - Find a Coach - This could be an online coach, a Personal Trainer or A CrossFit style Gym, but find someone who can guide you on the right path.  Fix any technical mistakes and add some accountability.

#3 - Invest in yourself.  Don’t be afraid to spend money on improving your health. Massages, Spa Days, self help equipment like a massage gun or Kino Move+.  Albeit these won’t necessarily save you time they will help you with recovery, both mentally and physically which means the next training session is more effective which means you will hit your goals quicker 🏋️‍♀️

We are always here to help so if you would like some help with training BOOK A NO SWEAT INTRO and we will try our best to help!


what is good enough?


Protein Gainz