How to start crossfit

CrossFit has been my chosen method of training since 2006. I have followed numerous programs, started my own CrossFit affiliate and now 14 years later have a thriving business. I have just been tagged in a thread on Facebook about getting into CrossFit and how to get started so here is what I did to get this CrossFit relationship kicked off.

1) Check out - I stumbled across an article about CrossFit and decided to try there Filthy Fifty. I have blogged about this already so won’t bore you with the details. Needless to say I loved the workout and was hooked. As soon as I go back to my room I searched for I found they program a WOD (workout of the Day) on their website every day that I could follow. Which is what I did for the next 4 years. They also have the Journal. This is a library of everything crossfit. Past articles about workouts, nutrition, exercises, guest blogs on Mobility, Weightlifting and thousands more which I read relentlessly trying to learn as much as I could and you can too. They have a ton of free resources on their site.

2) Find a gym - You can do CrossFit anywhere. Back in 2005 in Iraq there were no CrossFit affiliates and in a lot of places I was lucky to have a barbell and weights. But that is the beauty of CrossFit. You can do it anywhere. With limited kit and gives plenty of alternatives for you to use and scale. Head to your local leisure centre or puregym, grab a KB, DB or Barbell that you need for the WOD and give it a go. If its exercises you have never done, check out a YouTube video, ask your fitness instructor for a demo, stay light and safe and see how you get on. I didn’t get any coaching until I went to my Level 1 course in 2009. I managed to get through unscathed. Doing something is better then doing nothing.

3) Find a training buddy - CrossFit workouts are challenging and will push you out of your comfort zone. That’s life though right. If it isn’t hard it probably isn’t doing any good. It’s definitely not making you adapt and improve. The hard things are always easier with a buddy. You and your friend getting in the trenches together, sweating and toiling through the hard work together will build a bond Ive not seen outside of sport and the Army. It will not only build a great friendship but you will hold each accountable and support each other to getting those results you want. May it be to lose weight or get to the CrossFit games.

4) Find CrossFit Gym - I’ve put this one last because it’s ultimately the last port of call. If you have given CrossFit a go, have found you love it then why go to a CrossFit gym? I used to believe the number 1 reason was community. Working out with like minded people in a safe well equipped gym, being able to do what you love and have the support of great people keeps you coming back for more.

I now believe that the Number 1 reason is “does it solve your problem?” If you are looking to get better at CrossFit then you need the following:

  1. Great Coaches

  2. A program that can get you the skills you need In a safe and timely manor

  3. The facilities and equipment to deliver that program

Now pretty much every affiliate has the kit, most have the programming, and to be an affiliate you must have at least the CrossFit Level2 cert. Now all the certifications in the world doesn’t guarantee that you will like the coach or the gym. I have seen a million different ways that people interpret delivering their style of CrossFit so it’s worth seeing if they do a trial class.

If you are looking to use CrossFit to lose weight then you will need to consider the following:

  1. Do they have a nutrition program

  2. Do they offer body composition analysis

  3. Do they offer accountability coaching

CrossFit is but one part of the solution for weight loss. Nutrition and accountability make up 66% of that equation. Now having a nutrition program delivered by supportive Nutrition and Accountability coaches working on a holistic approach to losing weight will be a huge benefit to helping you achieve this goal.

That’s my take on getting started. Here is a link to help you find an affiliate.

If you would like to find out how we do CrossFit feel free to book a No Sweat Intro and I would be happy to see if we can help you 👊



To Compete or not compete? that is the question…


the open is coming!