To Compete or not compete? that is the question…

CrossFit by design generates competition. Both internal and external. The leaderboard generates an element of competition that some love and some hate. Either way every time you come into the gym, load up the bars and wait for the 3..2..1…countdown you are ultimately trying to be better than you were yesterday.

They say to try to be 1% better every day which is admirable. Is that 1% faster? 1% stronger? or 1 % lighter that’s all down to your goals. Booking a goal setting appointment would help to build a plan to work out the plan to achieve those goals.

I’ve been approached by a few people about doing some competitions and a lot of what I hear is am I ready? What I always say to people is go and give it a go. Firstly go and have some fun. Sign up with some Gym friends, take a road trip and go and see some different CrossFit Gyms. Secondly go and enjoy the adrenaline of working out infant of people where it actually matters. You will be surprised how hard you push yourself. Lastly it’s very different to do one workout a day to then go and do 3 or 4 in a comp. Its a whole different level of fitness and something that has to be experienced to give you the reference point to base all your training on to move forward to do the next comp.

If you are interested in a competition here is a calendar of events coming up around the Uk. Find some friends and get involved

UK CrossFIt Competition Calender


Positve mental attitude


How to start crossfit